Friday, October 17, 2008

AIDS closer to home

Though Sub-Sahara Africa claims a large majority of the global AIDS-related deaths, AIDS affects people around the Black Hawk County.

At then end of 2005, there were 1,656 total reported cases of AIDS in Iowa, 89 of them being in Black Hawk County.

CASS, Cedar AIDS Support System, is a branch of our local Cedar Valley Hospice. Every hospice worker I've ever come into contact with seems a most lovely, compassionate person. This continued to prove true as I met recently with a person who sat down with me to tell me more about CASS. And we're excited to have CASS come be a part of the marketplace during the World Vision AIDS Experience Nov. 7-10. Their table will be set up to help us become more aware of HIV/AIDS in our help us understand what services are available in our area for people who have been diagnosed with HIV and AIDS....and to help us know how we might respond locally.

Sunday's prayer request asked us to pray for encouragement and strength for the families of AIDS patients, especially for Cedar Valley families personally impacted by HIV/AIDS. Let's also give thanks for the love and care shown by the caregivers and pray for Christ's love and compassion to be made known through their service.

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