Wednesday, November 5, 2008

World Vision Tour Staff has arrived!

This morning, the World Vision tour staff sat down and met with the Orchard Hill folks who have been working to bring the World Vision Experience here. Jeanine, Jennifer, Nikki, and Joshua will be here to lead the set-up, the training for volunteers, and to manage the exhibit through the time it is in the Cedar Valley. They will be joined by Amy and Millie tomorrow, two more World Vision staff who will join the group for the days ahead.

After much planning, the time is upon us, and we're excited and filled with hope! In prayer, we anticipate that God will move hearts through this Experience to care about what He so deeply cares about....people. We are prayerful that hearts, eyes, and ears will be open to receive what God wants to speak into our lives through this Experience.

Be sure to welcome the World Vision staff if you happen to meet any of them! Pray for this Experience...that the set-up goes smoothly tomorrow. And join me in thanking God for how amazingly wonderful He has gifted His body. I sat around a table today listening to the roles each person is playing on the team. It is absolutely BEEEAUTIFUL to see how each person plays an intricate part to create the whole.

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