Monday, November 10, 2008

Note from Millie

My name is Millie Vanderpool and I am part of the World Vision staff that came to Orchard Hill Church to speak on behalf of the AIDS crisis in Africa and around the world. I thank you for welcoming us into your church and community as this was truly a community effort as many churches came and participated and volunteered. I'm here at the hotel right now reading the "blog" and hoping that I shared enough and spoke enough on behalf of the orphans and families in need in Africa. After traveling to Africa three times this year and meeting more orphans that anyone should ever meet and crying many tears over the children I left behind knowing they are alone and frightened and many very hungry.............................I asked God...................why God??? Why am I here? Why must I see so many orphans and children living alone with no parents, or grandparents taking care of many grandchildren with no support or food as their gardens dried up from the droughts? Why, Lord, are there hardly any dads at home or anyone around the age of 25-45? Why am I going home to a home with electricity and running water and healthy children and the luxuries of living in the US? Then He told me.............. and I knew then as I know today .....................that He took me to Africa to show me what was happening and to come back and speak on behalf of the 15 million orphans.
To share with others that 6000 children every day will lose a parent in Africa!!!!!! 29,000 children die every day from hunger or illnesses that can be prevented like drinking dirty water...............or no water................ I'm thankful for the Experience AIDS Exhibit because
it is a way for us to bring part of Africa to you. As we can't bring you
all to Africa we can try to bring stories and part of Africa to you and help you understand what is happening through the stories of these 4 precious children. They are our true heroes of the world and true survivors that represent millions of children.
I say this in order to thank you for volunteering and coming to our African exhibit at Orchard Hill Church, and I hope that you all share what you learned with others and spread the word as we are making a difference and we can save lives and help orphans in child at a time. There is hope and we are part of making it happen!!
Blessings to each and everyone one of you and may our Lord continue to bless you.
Millie Vanderpool

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